Armoured communication cable armoring cable type: HYA53, HYAT53, HYA23 HYAT23, HYV22, HYA22 (rat, buried) armoring communication cable USES: armoured communication cable mechanical protective layer can be appended to the structure of the cable, with the mechanical strength of the cable, antierosion capability, is vulnerable to mechanical and designed and vulnerable to erosion area telephone cable. Any kind of laying can be adopted, which is more suitable for direct buried laying in rock area. Armored communication cable structure: 1. Basic cable: any filled and unfilled cable with single sheath or double sheath structure. 2. Armored communication cable mechanical protection layer: type 53 adopts 0.15mm thick corrugated steel belt, which is longitudinal wrapped on the basic cable and overlapped on both sides. The surface of the steel belt is coated with plastic to prevent corrosion and water intrusion. The type 23,22 has similar performance with double steel band wrapping. 3. Armored communication cable sheath: black high-molecular weight low-density polyurethane or polyurethane sheath. Sheath thickness may depend on the basic cable outer diameter. 5. The marking contents of armored communication cables include: wire diameter, number of wire pairs, cable model, length, manufacturer name and year of manufacture. 6. Armored communication cable electrical characteristics: the cable meets all the electrical re of the basic cable. 6. Cable length: mechanically protected cable is made according to the length of the corresponding basic cable
MHYV电缆、煤矿用通信电缆、煤矿用信号电缆、煤矿用通讯电缆、MHY32电缆、PUYV电缆,MHYVP电缆、MHYVR电缆、阻燃煤矿用通信电缆 、矿用监测电缆、PUYVR电缆、矿用线、矿用监控电缆\矿用电缆。
煤矿用阻燃通信电缆……mh 聚乙烯绝缘……Y 铜质线芯……省落 铝-聚乙烯粘结护层……A 聚乙烯内护层……省落 铜丝编织铠装……B 蓝阻燃聚氯乙烯护套……V 钢丝铠装蓝阻燃聚氯乙烯护套……32 铜丝编织屏蔽……P 软质线芯……R 符合:MT386-1995《煤矿用阻燃电缆阻燃性的试验方法和判定规则》及Q/TX 《煤矿用阻燃通信电缆》
Armoured twisted-pair shielded cable | RS485 ASTP dedicated cable CAN be used in low speed, short, no ordinary twisted pair, on the other hand, at high speed, long transmission, it must adopt impedance matching (usually 120 Ω) of RS485 special cable (STP - 120 Ω (for RS485 & CAN) one pair 18 AWG), but also should be used under harsh type sheathed twisted-pair shielded cable (ASTP - 120 Ω (for RS485 & CAN) one pair 18 AWG).
矿用通信电缆结构:1、导线:退火裸铜线,铜线直径为0.30,0.42,0.52,0.60,0.70,0.80,0.90(mm)。 2、绝缘材料:高密度聚乙烯或聚丙烯,按照全色谱标准标明绝缘线的颜色。 3、绝缘线对:把二根不同颜色的绝缘线按不同的节距扭绞成对,并采用规定的色谱组合以便识别线对。 4、通信电缆缆芯结构:以1对为基本单位,超过25对的电缆按单位组合,每个单位用规定色谱的单位扎带绕扎,以便识别不同的单位。100对及以上线对的电缆加有1%的预备线对,但最多不超过6对。缆芯内的间隙用石油膏填充。 5、缆芯包带:用聚脂薄膜带绕包。 6、屏蔽:铜丝屏蔽或用轧纹(或不轧纹)金属带,金属带纵包于通信电缆缆芯包带之外。 7、护套:蓝色低密度聚乙烯。也可提供双层护套的通信电缆。
Ii. Implementation standards
煤矿屏蔽电缆MHYVP煤矿用阻燃屏蔽通信电缆MHYVP;MHYVRP,煤矿用阻燃通信电缆;MHYVRP;MHYVP,煤矿用阻燃屏蔽通信电缆MHYVP;MHYVRP的详细信息!煤矿用阻燃屏蔽通信电缆MHYVP;MHYVRP屏蔽煤矿用信号电缆MHYVP 1×2 1×4 2×2 3×2 4×2 5×2 ×7/0.28 0.3屏蔽煤矿用信号电缆MHYVP 1×2
1×4 2×2 3×2 4×2 5×2 ×7/0.28 0.3煤矿用信号电缆(屏蔽信号电缆)
In addition, once the hydrogen halide gas reacts with the water in the air, it will generate "hydrogen halide acid", which will seriously corrode e and buildings and cause "secondary disasters".