Armoured communication cable armoring cable type: HYA53, HYAT53, HYA23 HYAT23, HYV22, HYA22 (rat, buried) armoring communication cable USES: armoured communication cable mechanical protective layer can be appended to the structure of the cable, with the mechanical strength of the cable, antierosion capability, is vulnerable to mechanical and designed and vulnerable to erosion area telephone cable. Any kind of laying can be adopted, which is more suitable for direct buried laying in rock area. Armored communication cable structure: 1. Basic cable: any filled and unfilled cable with single sheath or double sheath structure. 2. Armored communication cable mechanical protection layer: type 53 adopts 0.15mm thick corrugated steel belt, which is longitudinal wrapped on the basic cable and overlapped on both sides. The surface of the steel belt is coated with plastic to prevent corrosion and water intrusion. The type 23,22 has similar performance with double steel band wrapping. 3. Armored communication cable sheath: black high-molecular weight low-density polyurethane or polyurethane sheath. Sheath thickness may depend on the basic cable outer diameter. 5. The marking contents of armored communication cables include: wire diameter, number of wire pairs, cable model, length, manufacturer name and year of manufacture. 6. Armored communication cable electrical characteristics: the cable meets all the electrical re of the basic cable. 6. Cable length: mechanically protected cable is made according to the length of the corresponding basic cable
矿用信号电缆主要技术性能及指标:20℃时导体直流电阻 Ω/km 7/0.28 ≤45 7/0.28(3钢4铜)≤73 1/0.8≤36.7固有衰减(800~1000HZ) dB/km ≤1.1 ≤1.3 ≤0.95
20℃时电缆绝缘线芯绝缘电阻 MΩ.km
≥3000 线对工作电容(800~1000HZ) uF/km ≤0.06 近端串音衰减(800~1000HZ) dB/500m ≥70 电感(800~1000HZ) uH/km ≤800 耐交流工频电压 1.5KV/1min通过 直流电阻差 ≤环阻的2%
矿用信号电缆的使用特性:导体的长期允许工作温度-40~+50℃;平均最大相对湿度为≤95%(+25℃时)允许附设与安装的温度应不大于-10℃ 最小弯曲半径:MHYV、MHJYV型电缆为电缆外径的10倍,其它型号的电缆为外径的15倍
MHYVP 2 * 3.3+2 * 0.85 data for mine shielded communication cable 1. Tin coated copper wire is used for conductor, 47/0.3 for conductor, 12/0.3 for 0.85, and 7/0.28 tin coated copper wire for drainage line. 2. Insulation color: 3.3 the wire core is a red one and a blue one, while the 0.85 wire core is a white one and a green one. The white wire core is wrapped with aluminum foil. 3. Insulation thickness: 3.3 core insulation thickness is 0.5, and the outside diameter after insulation is 3.5 mm. The insulation thickness of wire core is 0.7 and the outside diameter after insulation is 2.5mm. 4. Into line with the four wire core is arranged for red, green, blue, white, streamline, and row streamline to conductors are twisted together, don't put longitudinal, are not added when cabling filler, external use aluminum foil winding and cable core, then a layer of polyester film around the package, the outside is a layer of copper wire braided shielding (shielded copper wire tin plating). 5. Sheath: the front diameter is 8.2mm, the back diameter is 12mm (between 11.7mm and 12mm), and the sleeve is flame retardant blue
矿用阻燃信号电缆(现统称煤矿用阻燃通信电缆) PUYVR传感器电缆20X2X7/0.52
产品采用标准:MT818-1999 本产品用于煤矿井下监测、控制系统中低频信号传输线。
使用条件 :电缆使用环境温度为-40℃~+50℃;在25℃时湿度为95%;电缆敷设温度≥-10℃;电缆敷设时的弯曲半径MHYVR和MHYBV≥10倍电缆外径,其余型号≥15倍电缆外径。
使用条件 ●环境温度:-40~50℃ ●月平均最大相对温度:95%(+25℃) ●安装敷设环境温度:≥-10℃
电缆使用环境温度-40℃ ~ +50℃,电缆敷设温度≥-10℃,在25℃时的温度≤95%,电缆敷设时弯曲半径: MHYV31、MHYV型电缆≥ 10倍电缆外径 其余型号电缆≥15倍电缆外径
综合纽绞铁路信号电缆执行标准GB/T。室外信号电缆PZYA234CC铁路信号电缆适用于额定电压交流500V或直流1000V及以下传输铁路控制信号、音频信号或某些自动装置用固定敷设的各种电缆。 4、使用特性:电缆在-40℃-+50℃环境下使用。