使用条件 :1:使用温度(℃): -40~+60 2:相对温度:40℃时达98% 3:安装敷设温度不低如: -15℃ 4:充许最小弯曲半径:室内不小于5倍,室外10倍 电缆结构 : 1:镀锡铜丝线芯 2:聚氯乙烯绝缘 3:薄膜绕包/镀锡铜丝编织网屏蔽 4聚氯乙烯护套 额定电压: 300V/300V 300V/500V 采用标准: JB8734-1999
ZRVVR RVVZ ZR-RVV通信用阻燃软电缆 本产品是适用于通信局(站)及高层建筑等电源的输、配电系统中用的阻燃软电缆。
This product is suitable for the communication bureau (station) and high-rise buildings and other power transmission, distribution systems used in the fire - retardant soft cable.
产品型号:ZA-RVV(ZRRVV ZRVVR RVVZ)通信电源用阻燃软电缆 。ZA-RVV22(ZRRVV22 ZRVVR22 RVVZ22)通信电源用阻燃钢带铠装软电缆 。
Armoured communication cable armoring cable type: HYA53, HYAT53, HYA23 HYAT23, HYV22, HYA22 (rat, buried) armoring communication cable USES: armoured communication cable mechanical protective layer can be appended to the structure of the cable, with the mechanical strength of the cable, antierosion capability, is vulnerable to mechanical and designed and vulnerable to erosion area telephone cable. Any kind of laying can be adopted, which is more suitable for direct buried laying in rock area. Armored communication cable structure: 1. Basic cable: any filled and unfilled cable with single sheath or double sheath structure. 2. Armored communication cable mechanical protection layer: type 53 adopts 0.15mm thick corrugated steel belt, which is longitudinal wrapped on the basic cable and overlapped on both sides. The surface of the steel belt is coated with plastic to prevent corrosion and water intrusion. The type 23,22 has similar performance with double steel band wrapping. 3. Armored communication cable sheath: black high-molecular weight low-density polyurethane or polyurethane sheath. Sheath thickness may depend on the basic cable outer diameter. 5. The marking contents of armored communication cables include: wire diameter, number of wire pairs, cable model, length, manufacturer name and year of manufacture. 6. Armored communication cable electrical characteristics: the cable meets all the electrical requirements of the basic cable. 6. Cable length: mechanically protected cable is made according to the length of the corresponding basic cable
| mine shaft communication cable | inclined well and level roadway communication line | mine shaft or inclined well communication line execution: mt818.14-1999 brief description: name code:? Communications cables for coal mines MH(HU) copper core Omitted polyethylene insulation Y? Aluminum - polybonded layer A? Poly inner sheath Omit? Blue flame retardant polyurethane sheath V? Steel wire armored blue flame retardant PVC outer sheath 32? Main models, names, specifications and USES :MHYV (HUYV)? Mine polyurethane, flame retardant polyurethane sheath communication cable? 2-5? 7/0.28? Used for street level,? Inclined alley and mechanical adit???? Coal safety certificate no. : 20055108,20055121,20024126-2005mhy (HUY)? Mineral polyurethane, aluminum/polyurethane sheath, flame retardant polyurethane sheath communication cable? 10-100? 1.0/1/0.81? For use as communication lines in inclined Wells and alleys. Coal safety certificate no. : 20034088-2005mhya32 (HUYA32)? Mineral poly-insulation, aluminum/poly-bonded layer, galvanized steel wire armor, flame retardant poly-chloride sheath communication cable? 10-100? 1.0/1/0.81? Used as a communication line in a coal mine shaft or inclined shaft. Coal safety certificate no. : 20034086-2005
特性:(1) 抗张强度比一般PVC电线大:一般PVC电线抗张强度大于1.05Kgf/mm2,而低烟无卤电线抗张强度大于1.2Kgf/mm2;(2) 具有良好的耐候性(-30℃~105℃);(3) 具备良好的柔软度(硬度为80—90);(4) 具有非移性(因为此产品配方中不用添加可塑剂,故不会有移形性。